Philippines Conferences 2010
This year we accomplished much by God’s grace and the help of many friends.
Two pastor’s conferences at two different locations, evangelisitc outreach and I was able to visit the sites of all 4 of our church plants and bible studies.
Conversation with Pastor Ernie  Video
Our pastors conferences were held at Hope Mountain in Davao City and Word of Life Camp in Cagayan De Oro.
We did evangelism in Lumandao, near our church in Pamhuatan and Opal, outside of Cagayan De Oro.
All of our conference video and notes are available here. They are primarily for review for our pastors but you are welcome to  anything that would  benefit you in your studies.
Each session was taught at each conference and we recorded the first conference sessions at Hope Mountain. The dynamics of each group was different so there were some minor variations in the presentations and ensuing discussions.
A Report of the Trip  Coming Soon
The Newness of the New Covenant  
What is New Covenant Theology
Excerpts FromThe Sermon on the Mount:
The Beatitudes as The Norms of The Christian Life
The Poor in Spirit
Those Who Mourn
The Meek  Coming Soon
Those Who Hunger  and Thirst After Righteousness
The Merciful
The Peacemakers
The Persecuted
There are notes for this but we only had a brief talk
You are Salt and Light
I Have Come To Fulfill The Law and The Prophets
God’s Glorious Mission: A Vision for Mission
A Session on the Doctrines of Grace in The Gospel of John was not recorded but the notes are here. We covered it more in depth at the second conference.
Philippines 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010