New Covenant Goings On in Davao City, Philippines

I am using this opportunity to mention some of the wonderful things that the Lord is doing with our sister churches in the Philippines.

This link contains  a quickie page with some photos taken last week at the property in Pamuhatan where Pastor Bosay is shepherding the congregation.

It is adjacent to where we met as a gathering point for our evangelistic work while there in April. You can find reports about that at our website.

(New Covenant Theology –  A Christ Centered hermeneutic)

It was donated by a family living on the property and we were able to send them a small gift to help the family.

I will also be adding pictures of the visitation and evangelistic work in Pamuhatan and Seabreeze soon at our website. Video will also be added.

The previous post has the link for the conference on Samal Island.

(New Covenant Theology –  A Christ Centered hermeneutic)

The property in the pictures is being prepared for a larger meeting place. The small home we used as our meeting area was also being used as the first church meeting place after our meetings there. It has become too small. The church has grown to 35 in attendance.

This is an excerpt from my chat with Ernie last Friday.

I talked to a carpenter last week about the cost of materials needed and he gave me a rough estimate. We are praying for this needs. Here is the materials needed and the estimated cost; Lumber; we need 692 board feet @ 30.40/board foot, G.I. sheets; 68 pcs. @200 each, Plain sheet 6 pcs @268 each, steel 10 mm 32pcs @ 118 each, 8mm 50 pcs. @ 68 each, hollow blocks; 450 pcs @ 8.50 each, Sand and Gravel; 4 loads @ 3,500/load, tie wire 3 kls @ 60/kl, cement; 50 bags @200/bag, Plywood 20 pcs @250 each. We need your prayer for this need. Our plan to errect this building will be next year as the Lord provides. (NOTE:funds are in Philippine Pesos. Current exchange rate is for example 250 pesos=$5.13)

This Saturday September 5, 2009, the Pamuhatan and Davao Fellowships will meet together in Davao at the ocean for a baptism service. 13 from Pamuhatan and 2 from Davao.

We have set up an account number for personal support for Pastor Ernie Daasin (this is a hidden page on our website  that we have put together and are getting ready for full publication) or support for the work in general through Christian Aid.

“THEOS DOULOS Church Planting Movement” is the branch of Christian Aid that will receive contributions. Whenever you  wish to contribute to Ernie’s ministry, please use the giving code that is set up for him. It is 801THDO.

Distribution is as follows:

They would email Ernie each month his donor list. Every odd-numbered month, they would send the funds to him. (The funds received in September and October will be sent in November and so on.) There are NO processing fees. Every penny goes to the account. Christian Aid is unique in this. They receive nothing for providing this service.

Checks are sent to : Christian Aid Mission · P.O. Box 9037 · Charlottesville, VA 22906

Christian Aid Mission is wonderful organization that funnels aid to indigenous pastors, churches and organizations.

Regardless of your overall doctrinal convictions they are worth investigating. If you have any question contact me at

Also, if you would, pray for us that the  Lord will be gracious to allow us to sell our property. As a new church plant we inherited a good church building and parsonage that we can no longer afford to maintain. The sale would allow us to do much more “ministry” focus with resources we cannot raise at the present time and we do so want to be a vital component of the work begun in the Philippines. I have been bi-vocational as the pastor since we began and continue to do so but the job market here in Buffalo is not very good as I am currently seeking employment.

Thanks for reading and praying.

[new covenant theology]

Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg ( I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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