Philippines Ministry



Our ministry in the Philippines is on the Island of Mindanao. We presently have 5 churches and our church based TheoDoulos Ministry. TheoDoulos is our pastor/leader training, church planting and disaster relief ministry and soon to be public school ministry.  Christian Aid Mission has recognized us a ministry focused on indigenous ministry and has used us as their distribution center during the floods in Cagayan De Oro in 2010 and the recent Typhoon Pablo on the eastern side of the island, this past December. They have also helped to raise funds for some of our capital projects relating to our churches. We have been invited to participate in the national Moral Recovery Program. We teach bible study in public schools and government buildings –  to all the employees as a single group –  on a monthly basis and will be certified by the government to have public schools as part of our churches, where we hope, with prayer and help from others, to provide a free public school education to those in need. Public school is not free in the Philippines in many areas. If you are retired or not, and might like to spend  some time teaching ESL or reading or other  curriculum in our schools, once established, let me know

Since our first meetings in April 2009, we have, by God’s grace established 8 churches: Pantukan, Carmen, Pamuhatan,  2 in Cagayan De Oro- Opol and Salay, and in Compostela Valley, damaged severely by Typhoon Pablo in December. We were given a tract of land in Opian, by a tribal chieftan and have begun a work there  and have a new in work in Magdug.



Interviews with our overseeing pastor and director of TheosDoulos –  Ernie Daasin

2010 Interview  2011 Interview

2009 Davao Pastors and Wives Conference

The Jireh Mission Foundation on the Island Garden City of Samal, was the site of our first Bible Conference in the Philippines working with our sister church plant. We were there from April 6 – April 15, 2009. The Pastor’s Conference ran April 13-15. The theme was “All for the Glory of Christ” and included understanding New Covenant Theology and Biblical Counseling. Concurrently, my wife Deborah taught “Becoming The Titus II Woman” for the pastor’s wives and others.

Our evangelistic meetings in the tribal areas of Pamuhatan and Seabreeze were April 8-10. As a result, bible studies and two new church plants have begun.

How God used your prayer and finances    PDF                                                                              Please be patient. Had some web problems.

I have to reload all the videos 4/9/2024         

Opening Message: The Newness of the New Covenant Part 1 and 2

 Part 1 Video1  Audio   Part 2   Video2  Audio

Session 1: The Unfolding Revelation of Christ in The Scriptures Part 1&2 Video Audio 

Session 2: Understanding The Covenants  Video    Audio

 Session 3: Jesus the Interpreter of Scriptures Video    Audio

Session 4: Understanding Picture/Fulfillment Video    Audio

 Session 5: Christ is the New Covenant Video    Audio

 Session 6: Christ is Our Temple and Our Sabbath Video    Audio                                   

Session 7: Privileges of the New CovenanVideo    Audio                                               

Session 8: New Covenant Life: The Holy Spirit Part 1 Video    Audio                                         

Session  9: New Covenant Life: The Holy Spirit Part 2 Video    Audio

Session 10: Christ Centered Counseling: Some Guidelines Video    Audio

Session 11: God’s Glorious Mission: A Theology of Mission Video    Audio




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Philippines Conferences 2010


This year we accomplished much by God’s grace and the help of many friends. Two pastor’s conferences at two different locations, evangelistic outreach, and I was able to visit the sites of all 4 of our church plants and bible studies.

Conversation with Pastor Ernie  Video

Our pastor’s conferences were held at Hope Mountain in Davao City and Word of Life Camp in Cagayan De Oro. We did evangelism in Lumandao, near our church in Pamhuatan and Opal, outside of Cagayan De Oro.

All of our conference video and notes are available here. They are primarily for review for our pastors but you are welcome to anything that would benefit you in your studies.

Each session was taught at each conference and we recorded the first conference sessions at Hope Mountain. The dynamics of each group was different so there were some minor variations in the presentations and ensuing discussions.

The Newness of the New Covenant   part 1  part 2    Notes

What is New Covenant Theology Video    Notes   Notes 2

Excerpts From The Sermon on the Mount:

The Beatitudes as The Norms of The Christian Life Beatitudes Notes   Full Manuscripts

The Poor in Spirit Video

Those Who Mourn Video

The Meek  Coming Soon Video

Those Who Hunger  and Thirst After Righteousness Video

The Merciful Video

The Peacemakers Video

The Persecuted There are notes for this but we only had a brief talk

You are Salt and Light Video

I Have Come To Fulfill The Law and The ProphetsVideo    Notes 2

God’s Glorious Mission: A Vision for Mission Video    Notes

A Session on the Doctrines of Grace in The Gospel of John was not recorded but the notes are here. We covered it more in depth at the second conference.

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2011 Conferences

Due to  damaged harddrive, we do not have the video available.

We may at some present time be able to acquire it from a copy made in the Philippines.

This year’s conferences were hosted by local churches. Our attendees were housed at our conference in Davao City and  commuted in Cagayan De Oro. Our church in Opol is about 15 minutes from the conference site. I stayed in Opol with Ernie’s brother and sister in law and Ernie, Dorcas and Ian stayed at Ernie’s mother’s home next door. The conference topics were the same with a few variations at the Cagayan Conference. During my stay I also preached at our Davao Church, The Police Academy and our church in Opol. I also did two radio broadcasts  from Pastor Bobby’s church in Davao (our host) that are heard throughout the Philippines and as far away as Indonesia. Pastor Bobby invited me to speak at the Police Academy for a second time.

Our Conference Topics: (links coming soon)

New Covenant Hermeneutics:Understanding the Redemptive Historic Approach to Scripture

Stephen, a New Covenant Preacher

2012 Conference Hebrews and Hermeneutics

Due to  damaged harddrive, we do not have the video available.

3 locations: Pantukan, Kalinan and Cagayan De Oro

Our 2013 October Conferences and visits were postponed because of the rebel outbreak  in Zamboanga city on Mindanao island.

2014 Conferences April 7-23

Galatians taught by Joseph Krygier and Paul Siebert. We taught Galatians for three different groups of pastors, wives and leaders at our training center in Pantukan. We recorded our team taught sessions at Conference 1. Paul taught the first part of each chapter and I taught the second part. We each did supplemental topics related to Galatians  in evening studies.

I taught the the 3rd Conference on my own.  The links will be on our Sermons page once they are up. Stay tuned.

Deborah Krygier also taught break out sessions for ladies.

Conference 1 April 7-9

Conferecne #1
Conference #2
Conference #2
Conference #3
Conference #3




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