Thoughts:Racial reconciliation and other things
One Failure of The Church
Friday, February 16, 2007
One Failure of the Church
© 2000 Pastor Joseph Krygier
    One of the tragic failures of the church in America is the fact that we have overlooked or just denied the fact that God’s purpose for His
Taking Risks
Friday, February 9, 2007
Redemption Race and Reconciliation Article for March 2000
Pastor Joseph G.Krygier
    Risk taking in establishing cross cultural relationships was where we ended our challenge last month.
Why Don’t They Come?
Friday, February 9, 2007
A response to a blog entry in 2006  posted by Elijah Layfield
Why Don’t They Come?
My brother, they won't and don't come where you are because they don't and won't come where similar things exist
You Can’t Go Into All The World Until You Have Gone To Samaria
Friday, February 9, 2007
You Can’t Go Into All The World Until You’ve Gone To Samaria
by Pastor Joseph Krygier
    A very compelling statement is made at the beginning of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John: “He must
My City-God’s City
Friday, February 9, 2007
                               My City-God’s City Pastor Joseph G .KRYGIER   1999
Observance: The sirens scream through the evening hours as the cadre of
emergency vehicles speed their way to Rosylyn
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Brother Joe Krygier