Philippines Update – September Trip

I will be adding photos, links, and a full report soon but to get you started, here is a half hour interview with Ernie, our church planting pastor in Davao City.  Ernie oversees all four of our works in Davao, Pamuhatan, Baganihan and Cagayan De Oro.

Davao Church Update-New Tribal Bible Study

Ernie (in the blue shirt) and Pastor Bosay from our church in Pamuhatan,  received permission from the tribal chieftains to start a new bible study.  20 were in attendance not counting children. This meeting was held in Baganihan on Friday, June 11.   Our upcoming Sept-Oct 2010 pastor conferences and evangelistic meetings report can be found here –  Davao-update

New Covenant Church in Pamuhatan

These are the pictures of our progreess on the new building on the property that was donated last year.( One of our church family made a donation to the family that gave us the property)  We only need $400.00 to complete the building.Pamuhatan is our mountain church, Our mother church that Ernie planted first is in Davao City proper and our third church is in Cagayan De Oro – 4 hours south. I will be there  from Sept13-Oct 1 a teaching our pastors who are desiring to work with us and doing evangelistic meetings. We need one couple or person in each of the three areas and eventually some support for them from $50-$100/month. We have raised enough money to support two of the five hopeful candidates for a year of high school. The cost is $88.00/student for the year. Public school is not free in the urban areas like Davao.

As always we appreciate your prayers for this work that Christ has prepared for us.

New Covenant Goings On-Davao Philippines

Below is a  brief conversation I had with Ernie this morning as he returned from Pamuhatan from building the new building and is back in Davao to teach Bible  study  tonight. Then he is back to Pamuhatan tomorrow for more work on the building. The church there continues to grow. Pastor Bosay is doing home visitations in the mountains. I also met the Morales sisters.

Brother Joe,

Dorcas and I arrived from Cagayan last May 8, (NOTE:this is our newest work, 4 hours south of Davao, as documented in earlier posts. It is growing. Please pray with us for a man to work there with us. We had someone considering it but he has taken a position in Canada. We need someone full time at about $30+ per month support at least to start. ) this week and next week we are busy for the construction of Pamuhatan church building. I am here in Buhangin now because we have a Bible study this evening at 7 p.m. and we will go back to Pamuhatan tomorrow.

Anyway, here is the possible expenses of each  high school scholars for the whole year: Tuition fee-1,930; Uniform-2,870; School supplies-1,282; Transportation-940. Last year’s budget to each scholar was 4,000 each students. We have 5 students prospects this year. The 2 of the 5 students are now with us living in our house. ( this allows for ongoing tutoring and disicipleship) Namely; Christianne Morales and Marianne Morales, they are sisters. (Note: the cost for complete scholarship for a high school student is $89.00 per year. Last year it was on we were able to help 2 students via two families taking on support. Public school is not free in the city proper. In the mountain areas like Pamuhatan it is free. Australia and  Japan  partner in this venture with the Philippine government.)

We praise and thank God because the churches in Pamuhatan, Cagayan and Buhangin are growing in number as well as spiritual. Let us pray for their spiritual growth as they continue to learn about the truth in the word of God.

I was not able to look for a venue for our coming conference in September (Note: I will be there from Sept 13-Oct 1) because I am busy. But the schedule is already done, I will finalize it next week and I will let you know.

Another consideration for prayer.

Ernie will have to move out of his present home/church building.

His landlord, who provided the facility rent free for the past two years, works in Dubai but is getting married in June and wants his wife to live there.

We are working through various ideas of finding a temporary/permanent location for the church in Davao and housing for Ernie. They may be separate locations at this time. The church can afford about $66.00/month for rent, which is not adequate enough for a location.

We have considered splitting the congregation into three locations in homes in Davao and having three meetings on Sundays. However, most of the homes may not be large enough to do so. We area also considering the possibility of approaching the manager of the government housing in the Buhangin district to see if there is some facility we could lease.

Our resources are very limited as you know.

We ask for your prayers concerning God’s provision.

You can contact me via our website or posting a comment.

New Covenant Baptist Fellowship – Davao

Preparing lumber for the new building
Preparing lumber for the new building

Helpers Preparing lumber for the new building
Preparing lumber for the new building

Ernie sent me these pictures after a day of preparing lumber for the new building in Pamuhatan. $900.00 of the $1300.00 needed for the building materials was raised in Davao. We are praying for the rest. All the materials except the outer wall sheets have been purcased (lumber, concrete, etc.) This is certainly God’s provision. Our brethren there are on very meager if any incomes.

I will be going back to Davao from September 13-October 1 for evangelism and pastoral training and visiting our third new church in Cagayan De Oro as posted below. The chairs have been provided for.

We will keep the news up to date here and at our website

New Covenant Church in Davao

Praise the Lord for the new church plant in Cagayan De Oro ( we now have three churches established) and our ongoing pastor’s training meetings.
There are 22 in attendance at the new church which has been organized for just under 2 months. Please pray that we will find someone in the region who is suitable for us to train to lead the new work. Ernie’s cousin was working with us but has decided to go to Canada to be engaged in ministry there. We could use about $200.00 for some plastic chairs for the meeting house. Right now, everyone walks and brings a chair with them or they are borrowed from neighbors.
We have also received a generous offering from River Crossing Community Church to enable us to purchase a computer for our work in Davao at the home church. I will be able to do webinar training from here, along with Ernie in Davao with our pastors in training. I am trusting the Lord that it is His purpose for a return visit to Davao to work with our pastors and visit our church in Pamuhatan and Cagayan De Oro and have some days of study with our pastors in Davao. Please pray for the Lord’s provision concerning this trip, sometime in early September, as God wills.
You can read other posts about our work on this page and visit our website at and go to the photos page and the conferences page for much more.

Our new church plant in Cagayan De Oro
The fellowship in Cagayan De Oro
The fellowship at Cagayan De Oro
last weeks pastor's training meeting at Ernie's

New Covenant Church in Davao

Here are pictures of the roof repair of our church plant meeting place in Pamuhatan and pictures of the pastors from Pamuhatan who attended the mini-conference at Ernie’s home/church building. The conference focused on aspects of understanding New Covenant Theology and was based on a conference I taught on Samal Island last April.You will notice a small home with an extension to the front in one picture. That was the original meeting area for the church meetings. The new structure needing repair is on a neighbor’s property which was given to us for the church to put up a larger structure. We secured the property with a gift to the family. They did not want to sell it. [new covenant theology]

New Covenant Events in Davao

Last week Ernie was able to visit Pamuhatan and fix the roof. The damage was from heavy rains caused by the typhoons up north in Manilla a few weeks earlier. Pictures will posted once I get them.
I had my weekly chat with Ernie this morning.
Here is an update on how things are moving along with Ernie, the pastors mini-conference at his home this past week ( he translated all of the seminars on aspects of New Covenant Theology that I taught last year into Bagobo for this conference), church planting hopes and ideas for further pastor training and a conference in the Philippines this year, Lord willing. Our church planting efforts are as Sovereign Grace Baptists committed to a continued understanding of New Covenant  Theology as a biblical theology .

jenefaed: hello Joe.
josephkrygier: Hello my brother.
jenefaed: how are you brother?
josephkrygier: I am well and looking forward to hearing about the time with the men.
jenefaed: Dorcas and Ian are with me now. By God’s grace we finished the meeting yesterday with joy in our hearts.
josephkrygier: :Hi Dorcas and Ian
jenefaed: hello brother joe..this is ian….i am with my father i did not go to work today so i have the time to come with him… GOD bless.
jenefaed: hello brother joe. this is dorcas. this is my first time to come with ernie in your chat time. please say my hello to deborah and please do hug her for me. GOD BLESS YOU AND I MISS YOU BOTH.
jenefaed: By God’s grace the meeting was succesfully done wwith the help of our Awesome God. there were only 7 of the ten who attended the meeting because the other pastors didn’t shown up.
josephkrygier: I will do so when Deborah gets home.She just left for work.
josephkrygier: Seven is still a good number for the purpose we hoped for.
josephkrygier: One of our pastor friend is trying to see if his church can raise some funds for us to visit again this year as we discussed, in early July. I’ll will keep you updated.
josephkrygier: How did the men respond to the teaching?
jenefaed: 5 of them decided to join our ministry for the Tribal church planting ministry. That is the reason why they decided to join us because of the good teaching we have, they really appreciated the lessons from our seminar last April.
josephkrygier: That is an answer to prayer.
jenefaed: Brother Joe, as I look forward to our ministry it is going to grow with God’s blessing. There are some opportunity to plant new churches in different places in Mindanao.
josephkrygier: We are praying for that. Pray for me as I develop more of our ministry training studies for you.
jenefaed: As of now my heart’s desire is to start a new work in Cagayan de Oro but I’m still praying for more budget for this plan.
josephkrygier: . Is that where your mom is? What kind of budget is needed to start? By the way, in 2-3 weeks I will start a series on Ephesians at our fellowship. Right now in Sunday School I am doing some thematic studies in Acts.
jenefaed: yes, it is the place where my mom lives. the budget I need is for transportation and for my food as I stay in CDO, in my brother’s house. I would appreciate if you can send me some copies of your new lessons.
jenefaed: The pastors who attended the meeting decided to meet again in February and they want to have a regular meeting once a month for training. I don’t know if I can do this because of the insufficiency of funds.
josephkrygier: Ok. How many times a month would you like to get Cagayan de Oro? Figure a budget for the travel and food. I will send you lessons via email as they develop. I have added 3 messages to the Who Do Men Say I am series I have sent you. When I finish this I will send the final ones. I think you have the first 18.
jenefaed: yes I have and I put them in a book bind files. I started to study them so I can use it for our next meeting with the pastors.
josephkrygier: Ok. Budget me the cost for the five men for a monthly pastors training meeting. We will pray. Then perhaps we can at least plan for a couple of months ahead and see how God continues to provide once we start. We have another brother who has given us some funds for NCBF Davao to use as we decide what is most important.
jenefaed: I think it would be good that I can get to CDO once a month or twice a month depends upon the development of the studies.
josephkrygier: I will also be developing the studies you requested on church leadership and so on. These we will be on dvd and I will send them when completed. I will also record the Ephesians and Acts studies for you. If I am able to come this year I want to do the Sermon on the Mount for a pastors meeting as we discussed last April, but if I cannot, I will record and send it.
josephkrygier: At this time if I can come, do you think it would be better to do a conference for whoever could come like last time or focus on the pastors who will be working with us and a few others who really benefited from our last confererence?
jenefaed: thanks, but I am very optimistic that the Lord will provide all you need for our seminar this year. You are really needed that you can come. I have to choose those pastors who attended last year and we will invite the pastors who are really committed to work with us because we will continue establish a new covenant church here in Davao, the one in Pamuhatan and beyond.
josephkrygier: When you get some time, get some information on a place for a conference that would be convenient and thinking about having some of the expenses possibly on a scholarship like last year but charging something for those who could contribute, if we do something with a larger group.
josephkrygier: We could also plan another ladies seminar if Deborah is coming along.
jenefaed: I would suggest if you agree with me that we will make our seminar in CDO this year if we have a good result of our Bible study there.
josephkrygier: Agreed.
jenefaed: okey, next week I will be in CDO to start a new bible study and I will let you know what will be the development.
josephkrygier: Excellent. Also, remind me of when school registration fees are due. We have a couple studying at seminary who want to support a student for next school year.
jenefaed: yes I will but most probably we offer the scholarship to the unbelievers because this is a ministry for the lost.
josephkrygier: I sent you an email concerning a mens retreat where i will be teaching in february where some of our think tank brothers are elders.
jenefaed: ok thanks.
josephkrygier: Yes. Will we have some guidelines like last time?
jenefaed: yes I will make some guidelines.
josephkrygier: ok.
josephkrygier: I saw your pictures with Dorcas on Facebook in your traditional clothes. Very nice.
jenefaed: It is the clothes of the Bagobo Tribe. I will let you know the budget for food and travel to CDO later.
josephkrygier: I thought so from pictures you have sent with Pastor Bosay and others in the pictures at the meetings in Pamuhatan.
jenefaed: the church building in pamuhatan is now temporarilly roofed with plastic trapal, I will send the pictures of it and our meeting activity.
josephkrygier: thank you. you did mention you got there last week to do the repairs.
jenefaed: I will send pictures tomorrow and Ian will do it for me.
josephkrygier: He will appreciate that. I will post them on the websites.
jenefaed: I want to talk with you more but my eyes is already “lowbat” tired.
josephkrygier: Understood. Rest them. Talk to you next week. We have much to pray and plan for, for Christ’s glory.
jenefaed: bye for now and our love to all the saints in your church family and to Deborah.
josephkrygier: Bye.

[new covenant theology]

New Covenant Goings On in Davao City, Philippines

I am using this opportunity to mention some of the wonderful things that the Lord is doing with our sister churches in the Philippines.

This link contains  a quickie page with some photos taken last week at the property in Pamuhatan where Pastor Bosay is shepherding the congregation.

It is adjacent to where we met as a gathering point for our evangelistic work while there in April. You can find reports about that at our website.

(New Covenant Theology –  A Christ Centered hermeneutic)

It was donated by a family living on the property and we were able to send them a small gift to help the family.

I will also be adding pictures of the visitation and evangelistic work in Pamuhatan and Seabreeze soon at our website. Video will also be added.

The previous post has the link for the conference on Samal Island.

(New Covenant Theology –  A Christ Centered hermeneutic)

The property in the pictures is being prepared for a larger meeting place. The small home we used as our meeting area was also being used as the first church meeting place after our meetings there. It has become too small. The church has grown to 35 in attendance.

This is an excerpt from my chat with Ernie last Friday.

I talked to a carpenter last week about the cost of materials needed and he gave me a rough estimate. We are praying for this needs. Here is the materials needed and the estimated cost; Lumber; we need 692 board feet @ 30.40/board foot, G.I. sheets; 68 pcs. @200 each, Plain sheet 6 pcs @268 each, steel 10 mm 32pcs @ 118 each, 8mm 50 pcs. @ 68 each, hollow blocks; 450 pcs @ 8.50 each, Sand and Gravel; 4 loads @ 3,500/load, tie wire 3 kls @ 60/kl, cement; 50 bags @200/bag, Plywood 20 pcs @250 each. We need your prayer for this need. Our plan to errect this building will be next year as the Lord provides. (NOTE:funds are in Philippine Pesos. Current exchange rate is for example 250 pesos=$5.13)

This Saturday September 5, 2009, the Pamuhatan and Davao Fellowships will meet together in Davao at the ocean for a baptism service. 13 from Pamuhatan and 2 from Davao.

We have set up an account number for personal support for Pastor Ernie Daasin (this is a hidden page on our website  that we have put together and are getting ready for full publication) or support for the work in general through Christian Aid.

“THEOS DOULOS Church Planting Movement” is the branch of Christian Aid that will receive contributions. Whenever you  wish to contribute to Ernie’s ministry, please use the giving code that is set up for him. It is 801THDO.

Distribution is as follows:

They would email Ernie each month his donor list. Every odd-numbered month, they would send the funds to him. (The funds received in September and October will be sent in November and so on.) There are NO processing fees. Every penny goes to the account. Christian Aid is unique in this. They receive nothing for providing this service.

Checks are sent to : Christian Aid Mission · P.O. Box 9037 · Charlottesville, VA 22906

Christian Aid Mission is wonderful organization that funnels aid to indigenous pastors, churches and organizations.

Regardless of your overall doctrinal convictions they are worth investigating. If you have any question contact me at

Also, if you would, pray for us that the  Lord will be gracious to allow us to sell our property. As a new church plant we inherited a good church building and parsonage that we can no longer afford to maintain. The sale would allow us to do much more “ministry” focus with resources we cannot raise at the present time and we do so want to be a vital component of the work begun in the Philippines. I have been bi-vocational as the pastor since we began and continue to do so but the job market here in Buffalo is not very good as I am currently seeking employment.

Thanks for reading and praying.

[new covenant theology]