New Covenant Events in Davao

Last week Ernie was able to visit Pamuhatan and fix the roof. The damage was from heavy rains caused by the typhoons up north in Manilla a few weeks earlier. Pictures will posted once I get them.
I had my weekly chat with Ernie this morning.
Here is an update on how things are moving along with Ernie, the pastors mini-conference at his home this past week ( he translated all of the seminars on aspects of New Covenant Theology that I taught last year into Bagobo for this conference), church planting hopes and ideas for further pastor training and a conference in the Philippines this year, Lord willing. Our church planting efforts are as Sovereign Grace Baptists committed to a continued understanding of New Covenant  Theology as a biblical theology .

jenefaed: hello Joe.
josephkrygier: Hello my brother.
jenefaed: how are you brother?
josephkrygier: I am well and looking forward to hearing about the time with the men.
jenefaed: Dorcas and Ian are with me now. By God’s grace we finished the meeting yesterday with joy in our hearts.
josephkrygier: :Hi Dorcas and Ian
jenefaed: hello brother joe..this is ian….i am with my father i did not go to work today so i have the time to come with him… GOD bless.
jenefaed: hello brother joe. this is dorcas. this is my first time to come with ernie in your chat time. please say my hello to deborah and please do hug her for me. GOD BLESS YOU AND I MISS YOU BOTH.
jenefaed: By God’s grace the meeting was succesfully done wwith the help of our Awesome God. there were only 7 of the ten who attended the meeting because the other pastors didn’t shown up.
josephkrygier: I will do so when Deborah gets home.She just left for work.
josephkrygier: Seven is still a good number for the purpose we hoped for.
josephkrygier: One of our pastor friend is trying to see if his church can raise some funds for us to visit again this year as we discussed, in early July. I’ll will keep you updated.
josephkrygier: How did the men respond to the teaching?
jenefaed: 5 of them decided to join our ministry for the Tribal church planting ministry. That is the reason why they decided to join us because of the good teaching we have, they really appreciated the lessons from our seminar last April.
josephkrygier: That is an answer to prayer.
jenefaed: Brother Joe, as I look forward to our ministry it is going to grow with God’s blessing. There are some opportunity to plant new churches in different places in Mindanao.
josephkrygier: We are praying for that. Pray for me as I develop more of our ministry training studies for you.
jenefaed: As of now my heart’s desire is to start a new work in Cagayan de Oro but I’m still praying for more budget for this plan.
josephkrygier: . Is that where your mom is? What kind of budget is needed to start? By the way, in 2-3 weeks I will start a series on Ephesians at our fellowship. Right now in Sunday School I am doing some thematic studies in Acts.
jenefaed: yes, it is the place where my mom lives. the budget I need is for transportation and for my food as I stay in CDO, in my brother’s house. I would appreciate if you can send me some copies of your new lessons.
jenefaed: The pastors who attended the meeting decided to meet again in February and they want to have a regular meeting once a month for training. I don’t know if I can do this because of the insufficiency of funds.
josephkrygier: Ok. How many times a month would you like to get Cagayan de Oro? Figure a budget for the travel and food. I will send you lessons via email as they develop. I have added 3 messages to the Who Do Men Say I am series I have sent you. When I finish this I will send the final ones. I think you have the first 18.
jenefaed: yes I have and I put them in a book bind files. I started to study them so I can use it for our next meeting with the pastors.
josephkrygier: Ok. Budget me the cost for the five men for a monthly pastors training meeting. We will pray. Then perhaps we can at least plan for a couple of months ahead and see how God continues to provide once we start. We have another brother who has given us some funds for NCBF Davao to use as we decide what is most important.
jenefaed: I think it would be good that I can get to CDO once a month or twice a month depends upon the development of the studies.
josephkrygier: I will also be developing the studies you requested on church leadership and so on. These we will be on dvd and I will send them when completed. I will also record the Ephesians and Acts studies for you. If I am able to come this year I want to do the Sermon on the Mount for a pastors meeting as we discussed last April, but if I cannot, I will record and send it.
josephkrygier: At this time if I can come, do you think it would be better to do a conference for whoever could come like last time or focus on the pastors who will be working with us and a few others who really benefited from our last confererence?
jenefaed: thanks, but I am very optimistic that the Lord will provide all you need for our seminar this year. You are really needed that you can come. I have to choose those pastors who attended last year and we will invite the pastors who are really committed to work with us because we will continue establish a new covenant church here in Davao, the one in Pamuhatan and beyond.
josephkrygier: When you get some time, get some information on a place for a conference that would be convenient and thinking about having some of the expenses possibly on a scholarship like last year but charging something for those who could contribute, if we do something with a larger group.
josephkrygier: We could also plan another ladies seminar if Deborah is coming along.
jenefaed: I would suggest if you agree with me that we will make our seminar in CDO this year if we have a good result of our Bible study there.
josephkrygier: Agreed.
jenefaed: okey, next week I will be in CDO to start a new bible study and I will let you know what will be the development.
josephkrygier: Excellent. Also, remind me of when school registration fees are due. We have a couple studying at seminary who want to support a student for next school year.
jenefaed: yes I will but most probably we offer the scholarship to the unbelievers because this is a ministry for the lost.
josephkrygier: I sent you an email concerning a mens retreat where i will be teaching in february where some of our think tank brothers are elders.
jenefaed: ok thanks.
josephkrygier: Yes. Will we have some guidelines like last time?
jenefaed: yes I will make some guidelines.
josephkrygier: ok.
josephkrygier: I saw your pictures with Dorcas on Facebook in your traditional clothes. Very nice.
jenefaed: It is the clothes of the Bagobo Tribe. I will let you know the budget for food and travel to CDO later.
josephkrygier: I thought so from pictures you have sent with Pastor Bosay and others in the pictures at the meetings in Pamuhatan.
jenefaed: the church building in pamuhatan is now temporarilly roofed with plastic trapal, I will send the pictures of it and our meeting activity.
josephkrygier: thank you. you did mention you got there last week to do the repairs.
jenefaed: I will send pictures tomorrow and Ian will do it for me.
josephkrygier: He will appreciate that. I will post them on the websites.
jenefaed: I want to talk with you more but my eyes is already “lowbat” tired.
josephkrygier: Understood. Rest them. Talk to you next week. We have much to pray and plan for, for Christ’s glory.
jenefaed: bye for now and our love to all the saints in your church family and to Deborah.
josephkrygier: Bye.

[new covenant theology]

Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg ( I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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