New Covenant Goings On-Davao Philippines

Below is a  brief conversation I had with Ernie this morning as he returned from Pamuhatan from building the new building and is back in Davao to teach Bible  study  tonight. Then he is back to Pamuhatan tomorrow for more work on the building. The church there continues to grow. Pastor Bosay is doing home visitations in the mountains. I also met the Morales sisters.

Brother Joe,

Dorcas and I arrived from Cagayan last May 8, (NOTE:this is our newest work, 4 hours south of Davao, as documented in earlier posts. It is growing. Please pray with us for a man to work there with us. We had someone considering it but he has taken a position in Canada. We need someone full time at about $30+ per month support at least to start. ) this week and next week we are busy for the construction of Pamuhatan church building. I am here in Buhangin now because we have a Bible study this evening at 7 p.m. and we will go back to Pamuhatan tomorrow.

Anyway, here is the possible expenses of each  high school scholars for the whole year: Tuition fee-1,930; Uniform-2,870; School supplies-1,282; Transportation-940. Last year’s budget to each scholar was 4,000 each students. We have 5 students prospects this year. The 2 of the 5 students are now with us living in our house. ( this allows for ongoing tutoring and disicipleship) Namely; Christianne Morales and Marianne Morales, they are sisters. (Note: the cost for complete scholarship for a high school student is $89.00 per year. Last year it was on we were able to help 2 students via two families taking on support. Public school is not free in the city proper. In the mountain areas like Pamuhatan it is free. Australia and  Japan  partner in this venture with the Philippine government.)

We praise and thank God because the churches in Pamuhatan, Cagayan and Buhangin are growing in number as well as spiritual. Let us pray for their spiritual growth as they continue to learn about the truth in the word of God.

I was not able to look for a venue for our coming conference in September (Note: I will be there from Sept 13-Oct 1) because I am busy. But the schedule is already done, I will finalize it next week and I will let you know.

Another consideration for prayer.

Ernie will have to move out of his present home/church building.

His landlord, who provided the facility rent free for the past two years, works in Dubai but is getting married in June and wants his wife to live there.

We are working through various ideas of finding a temporary/permanent location for the church in Davao and housing for Ernie. They may be separate locations at this time. The church can afford about $66.00/month for rent, which is not adequate enough for a location.

We have considered splitting the congregation into three locations in homes in Davao and having three meetings on Sundays. However, most of the homes may not be large enough to do so. We area also considering the possibility of approaching the manager of the government housing in the Buhangin district to see if there is some facility we could lease.

Our resources are very limited as you know.

We ask for your prayers concerning God’s provision.

You can contact me via our website or posting a comment.

Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg ( I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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