October 2013 Conferences and Ministry Update

I will be meeting with Ernie, our other pastors and 90 others from October 7-24. I arrive, with Paul Siebert from First Baptist Church, Newtown Square, near Philadelphia, where my good friend, brother and co-conference speaker at our Think Tanks, David Frampton, is the pastor, on Oct 4th at 11PM in Manila for an overnight and then we fly to Mindano on Saturday the 5th. Ministry begins on the 6th preaching at one of our newer chruches in our home base of Patukan. Our first of three conferences begins on Monday the 7th

We will have  30 in attendance at each location. our in country  Conference budget is about the same as last year…Approximately $2800.00… for three conferences with 30 attendees each. food, transportation, firewood, cooks, donations to 2 hosting churches (many across the island want to host us) and printing costs are budget expenses. This is all  provided at no cost for the attendees. If some have a longer commute, we also provide housing at the facilties where we meet.

So, it costs us about $35.00/ person for the conferences… depending on inflation… Not  a bad deal. If you would like to help, let us know.

Since the destruction of Hurricane Pablo, in the Compostela Valley, just a few months ago, which is right on the border of our property in Pantukan, we have been able to do some disaster relief under the auspices of Christian Aid Mission and have since planted a new work in that area. You can see pictures at our website on the blog page and Philippines Ministry page. Christian Aid has recognized the work as an Indigenous Ministry and channels support as there are needs as they raise funds periodically for various projects via their newsletter.

We have been involved in two major disaster relief projects over the past two years.

Oct. 3  Leave for Manila from Buffalo at 11:35AM

Oct. 4 Arrival at Manila and fly to Detroit to meet with Paul and fly to Manila International Airport-  arr. 11:50 PM

Oct. 5  Fly to Davao City, Mindanao on Saturday afternoon

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Galatians and related themes

VENUE: Banaybanay

Oct. 6 – Preach in Bongabong Church

Oct. 7 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM

Oct. 10 – Conference will end at 12:00 PM

Oct. 11 – Visit Carmen ( one of our chrucges in the mountains north of Davao

Oct. 13 – Preach at Bongabong Church


Oct 14 – 17 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM on Oct 14 and will end on                                  Oct. 17 at 12:00 PM.

Oct. 18 – We will visit our new church at Compostela. Paul leaves for home.

VENUE: Bongabong

Oct. 21 – 24 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM on Oct 21 and will end on Oct 24 at 12:00 PM.

Your prayers and financial help last year have helped us get much done with little resources. We need $5,0000 to finish the building project in Patukan, which will complete the extra housing for 20 Bible School students, an enlarged classroom area and guest room and will be able to be used for our free public school, both of which we hope to start in the coming months, at more than one of our churches We do believe in the One who is able to do exceedingly beyond all we can ask or imagine. We are working with indigenous pastors who have very little support among their (mostly poor) congregations and who usually cannot find other work. Our commitment is to help to train these men theologically and practically at no cost to them and to provide a free eduction for children. A dear church has helped us to start the children’s fund to support 10 students at a cost of $120.00/ child. We will keep you updated.

I leave for Manila on Friday the 25th.I will overnight in Manila and on Saturday the 26th I have been asked to teach a half day conference, north of Manila, sponsered by Ray Rodriquez, where he serves as an elder. I leave for Buffalo  from Manila, via Nagoya, Japan and Kennedy at 8AM on Sunday the 27th.

This past year we have been able to provide some support and basic health insurance for all 5 of our pastors because of a family’s generous donation. We send the funds on a quarterly basis. Our pastors do not expect this support, and what was given would last about a year paying $100.00/month plus $20.00 for basic health insurance. We have funds for one more quarter and are praying for the means for this to continue.


Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg (http://breitburg.blogspot.com). I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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