October 2018 Report and Updates


A 12-minute video update on my recent trip from October 18-November 3rd.

In Gingoog City, Davao City and Manila 

This was a very humbling moment and completely unexpected. This is a special robe of distinction for receiving the award. Somebody has a picture with me in the whole thing with the cap. Don’t know who though. This occurred right after my address to the graduates.

At the dais behind me, I was sitting with the Sectary of Health and Human Services for the Philippines, President Duarte’s personal secretary, one of two ambassadors to the UN, a retired Federal Judge and some others.

Our piggery update:

We are praying to expand our main farm from 29 to 40 pigs per growing season.

Basically, it cost us $50.00 per piglet. They will sell for, at the lowest market value, $115.00 each

From that, we hope to meet our salary requirement for 3 of our families and of course, replace the piglets and purchase feed for the next four months.

We will reach self-sufficiency for this by the end of December.

We have been blessed with a single buyer for all or hogs.

We have purchased a scale so we do not have to transport the pigs to market.

Our two smaller farms are going to be converted to breeding piglets. We have had difficulty getting enough water to one site, and buyers do not want to travel up the mountain for the other, so this is a good move for us.

Our pastor is being fully supported by another church that supports our work.

By the first of the year, we may have a new pastor in our fifth church who will need support.

Our plan is to find a way to start another pig farm with eight pigs for his support.

If you would like to help, let me know.

Our Bible Institute:

A more detailed report will be posted soon with more details.

It will be an intensive 20 week, 25-30 hours per week, once per month curriculum.

Every quarter will have one two-week session.

We hope to have 3 Filipino pastors including Ernie, the director of all the work there and myself and a team of 5 pastors from here preparing some video lectures.

Our plan is to provide free education for the pastors and church planters.

Our only expense will be, if all goes well by God’s grace, the cost for our curriculum notebooks, travel to where the site will be (at a local church in partnership with us), the cost of a cook each week and a few classroom materials or minor pieces of equipment. Food and travel will be paid by the students and their local congregation. We hope to get an English Bible for each student donated by Crossway. Our classes will be taught bi-lingually as needed.

All should be in place by April when I go back. We will have a 4-day meeting with our teachers in preparation for our October 2019 startup.

This is a very different model for a theological school in the Philippines.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

In His name.


Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg (http://breitburg.blogspot.com). I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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