Philippines Update Expanded:Stats&Map

I leave for the Philippines in two weeks.

We are doing three conferences this year. One in Pantukan, one in Davao City/Calinan in the Calinan District and one in Cagayan DeOro.

I will also be teaching at three of our churches… Davao City Proper-Buhangin District- pop.232,00 , Carmen-  part of Davao City in the Baguio District-14 km from Calinan- pop 27,255  and Opol/Cagayan De Oro- pop 47,187.

We have added a small conference building to Ernie’s home in Pantukan- in the Compostela Valley east of Davao City, for permanent use as such and will be planting our fifth church there. We now have an associate to assist with the work in Davao City/Buhangin.

Our fourth church is continuing to build the necessary structure in Carmen and we have a temporary structure on the property in Opol.

Please pray with us, as we have, by faith, committed to these necessary projects to establish the ministry in those areas. We rent in Davao City/Buhangin, but the others need buildings.

Our next goal, as we are looking to finish with the funds to complete the buildings,  is to be able to send some support to each of the pastors working with us.

Ernie is working as our overseer of all the church plants and has been pastor in Davao City and we now have an associate-Pastor Albert. This will help us start the new work in Pantukan. Pastor Rey is in Carmen, Pastor Rito is in Opol, and Pastor Ambin is in Pamuhatan, which was our second church plant, in the mountain area northwest of Davao city in Bukidnon along the Federal Highway on the way to Cagayan DeOro, where we also work with tribal people. Previous posts have photos of all of these.

Click on the map to enlarge and then use the magnifier pointer to further enlarge district areas.

Photo 1  Addition in Pantukan

Photo 2  Temporary structure in Opol. We will be acquiring the final 1000 sq meters of property as soon as we can.

Photo 3&4  New building in Carmen


Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg ( I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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