Philippines Video Newsletter

Hello Friends.

This is the link to our video newsletter concerning our current work and the meetings we will be having in Davao City and Cagyan DeOro in October 2011. It runs about 15 minutes. Thanks for watching.

For more background on our work you can look through our archives here and for more pictures and links go here Photos and here for Conferences where other links are listed.

My interview with Ernie is linked here and on our blog under the title September Trip.

If you would like further information such as a detailed budget and schedule, please email me at ncbfevans The final schedule details will be posted at a later date.

Author: Joseph Krygier

I am the pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship in Buffalo NY. I also teach classes for the NYSDEC with my small business, AARONCO Seminars. Before becoming a Christian in 1977, I was an actor for seven years. I was ordained in 1984. I have a THB jointly awarded by Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary and Canterbury Christ Church University, England. I am writing a play and finishing a book about a Holocaust survivor, Victor Breitburg ( I am the managing editor of TOLIFE...INK.

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