Camp LaTourneau on Canandaigua Lake NY
This year our meeting was held from July 25 - 28.
We covered a variety of topics related to coming to a further understanding of biblical theology through the hermeneutic of the New Covenant - Jesus Christ our Lord, following the redemptive historical view of Scripture. It is His-story,
Listed below are the links to each of the sessions on video.
Manuscripts will be added as our teachers are making sure that references, footnotes etc. are all correct before we publish. Some papers may be more  detailed than the presentations. 
Along with this, we will be publishing an extensive reading list that encompasses the whole range of our think tank topics over the past few years. NCT, contrary to some, is rooted in good scholarly study, when done correctly. Many authors have contributed to the ideas of a solid biblical theology, although in the overall, they may not be what might be labeled as “NCT”. But, in those pages are foundational elements of a true biblical theology, in the historic-redemptive approach which is Christ centered and God glorifying. There will be references to books, commentaries, journals, articles and web site content.
Some of the references will be annotated.
If you have any comments or questions for any of the speakers please send them to

Earth Stove Society page on Facebook for pictures.

Session 1 John “Jack” Jeffery    PDF
Severino Pancaro: The Law in the Fourth Gospel - The Metamorphosis of “Nomistic Termini” and The Law in the Fourth Gospel - The Transferral of Symbols for the Law to Jesus in the Fourth Gospel

Session 2 John Jack Jeffery     PDF
Carl F. H. Henry, "The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics"

Session 3 Dustin Segers    PDF
NCT and Apologetics

Session 4 Joseph Krygier   PDF
God’s Glorious Mission - Toward a Biblical Theology view of Mission(s)  Rooted in the Attributes of God

Session 5 Ed Trefzger
Apart from us they should not be made perfect: A  survey of views on Church and Israel (including a surprising NCT view)

Session 6 Ed Trefzger
Apart from us they should not be made perfect  - my thoughts on an NCT-informed view of OT/NT saints and the Church.

Session 7 Chad Bresson  PDF 
The Incarnation of the Abstract: New Covenant Theology  and the Enfleshment of the Law

Session 8 Dustin Segers   PDF 
NCT and Social Justice - Is the Tim Keller model biblical?

Session 9 Shane Becker and Joseph Krygier    PDF
God’s Glorious Mission - Toward a Biblical Theology view of Mission(s) looking at The People on Mission

Session 10 John Dunn   
The Adamic parallels, couplets, and typology of OT redemptive history and its completion and fulfillment in Christ

Session 11 Moe Bergeron    PDF
The Promise and the Necessity of The Spiritmailto:ncbfevans@gmail.com
Friday, July 29, 2011