New Covenant Theology Focus:  
The Sermon on the Mount
Our think tank was hosted right here at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship from July 27-30.   We were live via Skype and Steve Fuchs from Seattle and Neil Whitcombe (on holiday and doing mission work in Peru) joined us.
Our foundational study focused on the significance of the Sermon on the Mount from a New Covenant Theology perspective comparing and contrasting  various views.
Our presenters included:
Jack Jeffery, Chad Bresson, Ed Trefzger and Joe Krygier
You can follow our current blog at Christ Our Covenant
                                        Front: Dave Herring, Ted Kuciewicz, Ed Trefzger
Rear: Moe Bergeron, Jack Jeffery, Joe Krygier, Kyle Frampton,  Mike Tomczak, Chad Bresson
A Review of All Old Testament Laws Cancelled by Greg Gibson
John T “Jack” Jeffery
Video      Audio
The Old Covenant Backdrop for the Sermon on the Mount
Chad Bresson  
Video       Audio
Part 1       Part 1
Part 2       Part 2
Part 3       Part 3
Part 4       Part 4
Pre-conference PDF The Exceeding Righteousness of The New Covenant
The Significance of Matthew 5:17-20  “I have come to fulfill”  
Ed Trefzger
Video    Audio
 The Silence of The New Covenant: Fallow Ground in the New Testament
John T “Jack” Jeffery
Considering A New Covenant Confession of Faith and Concise NCT Theology
Joseph Krygier
Also conference video and pictures
Member websites/blogs and persons of the Earth Stove Society:
Below is a list of persons who, as of this posting, recognize Picture-Fulfillment NCT as a part of the broader NCT community. They have added their names here as part of a growing list who agree with Picture-Fulfillment NCT in many, if not all regards, most particularly that Christ is the New and Everlasting Covenant promised by our Father in heaven.
Moe Bergeron – SOG moderator; Pastor at Sovereign Grace Fellowship, Boscawen NH - ; Originator of Piper’s Notes online, Sound of Grace list (SOG), and SOG Online for John Reisinger
Neil Whitcombe - SOG moderator UK
Joseph Krygier - SOG moderator; Pastor at New Covenant Baptist Fellowship, Evans, NY - ; NCT think-tank conference organizer
John T. Jeffery - SOG moderator & Pastor at Wayside Gospel Chapel, Greentown, PA -
Chad Richard Bresson – SOG contributor; Pastor for Spiritual Development at Clearcreek Chapel, Springboro, OH - ; & The Vossed World blogger -
Ed Trefzger - SOG contributor; Missional+Reformed blogger - ; & Of Whom I am the Foremost blogger -
Matthew Morizio - SOG contributor & The Gospel Muse blogger
Josh Wood - SOG contributor
David Painter – SOG contributor & Pastor at Covenant Baptist Church, Uniontown, PA
Shane Becker – SOG contributor, owner of &, & LiftedVeil blogger
Mark LaCour - SOG contributor & Pastor serving Grace Bible Fellowship, Baton Rouge, LA -
2009 NCT Think Tank
Saturday, August 1, 2009