
October 2013 Conferences and Ministry Update

I will be meeting with Ernie, our other pastors and 90 others from October 7-24. I arrive, with Paul Siebert from First Baptist Church, Newtown Square, near Philadelphia, where my good friend, brother and co-conference speaker at our Think Tanks, David Frampton, is the pastor, on Oct 4th at 11PM in Manila for an overnight and then we fly to Mindano on Saturday the 5th. Ministry begins on the 6th preaching at one of our newer chruches in our home base of Patukan. Our first of three conferences begins on Monday the 7th

We will have  30 in attendance at each location. our in country  Conference budget is about the same as last year…Approximately $2800.00… for three conferences with 30 attendees each. food, transportation, firewood, cooks, donations to 2 hosting churches (many across the island want to host us) and printing costs are budget expenses. This is all  provided at no cost for the attendees. If some have a longer commute, we also provide housing at the facilties where we meet.

So, it costs us about $35.00/ person for the conferences… depending on inflation… Not  a bad deal. If you would like to help, let us know.

Since the destruction of Hurricane Pablo, in the Compostela Valley, just a few months ago, which is right on the border of our property in Pantukan, we have been able to do some disaster relief under the auspices of Christian Aid Mission and have since planted a new work in that area. You can see pictures at our website on the blog page and Philippines Ministry page. Christian Aid has recognized the work as an Indigenous Ministry and channels support as there are needs as they raise funds periodically for various projects via their newsletter.

We have been involved in two major disaster relief projects over the past two years.

Oct. 3  Leave for Manila from Buffalo at 11:35AM

Oct. 4 Arrival at Manila and fly to Detroit to meet with Paul and fly to Manila International Airport-  arr. 11:50 PM

Oct. 5  Fly to Davao City, Mindanao on Saturday afternoon

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Galatians and related themes

VENUE: Banaybanay

Oct. 6 – Preach in Bongabong Church

Oct. 7 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM

Oct. 10 – Conference will end at 12:00 PM

Oct. 11 – Visit Carmen ( one of our chrucges in the mountains north of Davao

Oct. 13 – Preach at Bongabong Church


Oct 14 – 17 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM on Oct 14 and will end on                                  Oct. 17 at 12:00 PM.

Oct. 18 – We will visit our new church at Compostela. Paul leaves for home.

VENUE: Bongabong

Oct. 21 – 24 – Conference will start at 1:00 PM on Oct 21 and will end on Oct 24 at 12:00 PM.

Your prayers and financial help last year have helped us get much done with little resources. We need $5,0000 to finish the building project in Patukan, which will complete the extra housing for 20 Bible School students, an enlarged classroom area and guest room and will be able to be used for our free public school, both of which we hope to start in the coming months, at more than one of our churches We do believe in the One who is able to do exceedingly beyond all we can ask or imagine. We are working with indigenous pastors who have very little support among their (mostly poor) congregations and who usually cannot find other work. Our commitment is to help to train these men theologically and practically at no cost to them and to provide a free eduction for children. A dear church has helped us to start the children’s fund to support 10 students at a cost of $120.00/ child. We will keep you updated.

I leave for Manila on Friday the 25th.I will overnight in Manila and on Saturday the 26th I have been asked to teach a half day conference, north of Manila, sponsered by Ray Rodriquez, where he serves as an elder. I leave for Buffalo  from Manila, via Nagoya, Japan and Kennedy at 8AM on Sunday the 27th.

This past year we have been able to provide some support and basic health insurance for all 5 of our pastors because of a family’s generous donation. We send the funds on a quarterly basis. Our pastors do not expect this support, and what was given would last about a year paying $100.00/month plus $20.00 for basic health insurance. We have funds for one more quarter and are praying for the means for this to continue.


Typhoon Pablo Followup#3

These are pictures of our distributions in Compostala Valley. So far, we have been able to help 135 families. The folks in the black teeshirts are from our church in Davao City-Roxas. You can see that there are people in temporary shelters.

Joe, Herein are the pictures taken during the distribution of the relief goods for the 2nd and 3rd batch. Before we give the relief goods to the people, I conducted a preaching service to each batch and this also serves as a way of giving instructions to them as to how the goods will be distributed. I’ll give the explanation for each picture; PICTURE NUMBER 1 – me, preaching and giving instructions to the typhoon victims. PICTURES NUMBER/S 2 – these are the recipients for the relief goods. They are the second batch. You can see the difference between the 1st to the 3rd batch because we impose a color coding system. The 1st batch received the relief goods packed in blue cellophane. the 2nd batch in red cellophane while the 3rd batch in yellow cellophane. PICTURES NUMBER/S 3 – this is the site of the evacuation area. This is actually the municipal ground. these are the victims wherein they don’t have a house and lot of their own. Since they don’t have a house and lot of their own, they are not the priority of the government – for now – to be relocated in the bang-house and the tent-city. they must wait till the government tells them that they now have a place of relocation for them. A total of 124 families is still living now in this evacuation area. All of them are living before in the flood prone area and does not own any property. PICTURES NUMBER/S 4 – this is the distribution of the relief goods to the 3rd batch (in yellow cellophane). All in all, if we add the total number of families – who received the relief goods – from 1st batch to 3rd batch, we were able to give to 135 families. We continue to pray that these families will continue to join in our bible studies and church worship service every Sunday. We do hope that the LORD will continue to bless these families and the ministry there in Compostela. please pray also for the opening of new work in New Bataan.


Typhoon Pablo Followup#2

Brother Joe,

On February 20, 2013, we already distributed the relief goods for the victims of the typhoon Pablo. I would like to ask for an apology for the delay in giving the relief goods because we conducted a bible study for 4 sessions before we gave the relief goods. At the fourth session, we gave the claim stub for each family so that we may be able to know as to whom we should give the relief packs. We decided to distribute the relief goods in batch basis. For the first batch (feb. 20, 2013) we gave 45 relief packs for 45 families (as shown in the picture).There were a number of families who came to get some relief goods but we only have 45 relief packs for the first batch. What we did is that we just assured them that there will be a second batch of relief packs to be given. Those families who received a relief pack in the first batch will no longer be included in the distribution of relief packs on the second batch.

Distribution of the claim stub was done two days after giving the relief goods. I personally handled a bible study session and after that I gave the claim stub. We are now preparing and repacking the 2nd batch of relief goods and me and my family will be distributing this one in the coming days. We will just look for the suitable date- where most of us along with the volunteers – are not busy. Attach also to this email are the pictures taken during my bible study and the distribution of the claim stub for the 2nd batch. I’ll keep you updated regarding the said activity and will send pictures after we have made the distribution of the relief goods.

In Him,


Philippines Typhoon Followup


By God’s mercies our work in the Philippines continues, considering we are in the Compostela Valley, but were spared, as were the pastors we are training there.

Ps.The picture of the van and the property might well have been us.

From: Christian Aid Mission <>

Subject: [eAlert] Super Typhoon Devastates Thousands of Homes in Philippines

Date: December 12, 2012 1:52:38 PM EST

Super Typhoon Devastates Thousands of Homes in The Philippines

Dec. 12, 2012

By Ernie Daasin
Theos Doulos Ministries

“This week, specifically last Tuesday, a Super Typhoon named Bopha (international name) or Pablo (Philippine name) hit the Philippine island of Mindanao in the areas of Cateel, Davao Oriental, and the Compostela Valley province where we live. Three days after the storm, my wife, Dorcas, and I went to New Bataan, where we saw toppled trees, banana plantations completely ruined, countless houses blown away, and much more devastation, as shown in the pictures.

“At first we thought there were no casualties, as people were in the safe evacuation center. But we soon learned that it was suddenly hit with a strong flashflood. The soldiers who responded to the disaster also died during rescue operations when their vehicle was smothered by the strong, muddy water. Hundreds are still missing. “To date there are 800 people confirmed dead and an even greater number are missing; the numbers continue to rise as the flood subsides. Many are buried in the mud, and some are buried under piles of big trees and debris. Survivors continue to search, and some find bodies of their loved ones. There are about 250,000 people now living in schools, gymnasiums and other public places. People are pitching tents along the roadside because the evacuation centers are overcrowded.

“Many are desperate to find food. Some eat the dead animals and other livestock just to survive. New Bataan and Cateel are hard to reach areas, taking two days for private organizations and the government to reach them with food supplies. Roads are damaged and large trees are scattered over the roadways. More help is needed to provide proper clothing, water, extra food, etc.

“Thousands of acres of banana plantations were heavily damaged. Almost all banana trees were uprooted. About 167,000 people worked on these banana plantations and depended on the wages they earned. With this typhoon and tragedy, all of them will start from scratch, and most of them have no idea what to do or where to start. Coconut plantations were also heavily devastated. In fact, almost all agricultural plantations were destroyed.

“The winds blew at 130 miles per hour, crushing homes, uprooting very big trees, and smashing buildings, such as the Provincial Capitol Building and the Municipal Hall.

“Hope seems to be so elusive now to these people. They need help and prayers.”

Native missionaries with Theos Doulos Ministries are helping those affected by the typhoon. As God provides, they are having tent meetings in New Bataan and Cateel. They stay four to five days in each place. Every night they preach the gospel, and then distribute relief goods to typhoon victims. During the daylight they visit the temporary shelters and evacuation centers for counseling. When the crusades are completed, the ministry will leave a gospel worker in both places to continue the work.

Leader Ernie Daasin is seeking financial support to enable native volunteers to provide food, blankets, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils, clothing, water, etc. for people suffering from this disaster, and to provide an avenue for sharing the Gospel.

Offerings for the suffering people of the Philippines are being collected  and you can contribute Online or by Phone
Click here DONATE to donate online to help with disaster relief in the Philippines, or you may call 1-800-977-5650 to donate.

Please use gift code: 801DIS.




October 2012 Philippines Conferences/Ministry Update

Roberto and Marcion, my “bodyguards” in Pantukan. Yes, that is a 9mm Glock on Roberto’s hip. Usually it was out of site.

This is a “brief” summary of my three weeks of ministry and what our Lord provided and accomplished for His glory.
I left Buffalo at 11:35 AM on  Thursday October 4  ( arrived back home on October 26) and arrived in Manila at 11:50 PM October 5. Spent the night in Manila and flew to Davao City on Saturday, October 6. On Sunday the 7th, I preached at our church in Davao. Later in the afternoon we travelled 1.5 hours to Pantukan in a borrowed vehicle we were test driving for two weeks, with a view toward making a down payment. It saved us many pesos over the two weeks of travel on the east side of the island.

Monday Oct 8, after teaching at the Pantukan Government office, we began our conference for three days in Pantukan. All of our attendees came from Pentecostal churches, and have been requesting a conference for 2 years.
On Wed, I taught 120 Jr High School children at the public school. Both of these events are part of the Government sanctioned Moral Recovery Program for officials and schools, of which we are a part by invitation.
After our conference, we had a down day in Pantukan, and I was given a wonderful birthday party by my Filipino family.
I was assigned two police bodyguards, because there are some extremist rebels up in the mountains behind the banana plantation behind the property. Usually not a problem, but with the back and forth commuters everyday and knowing an American is present, it was just a safety measure. Those guys were great.
We talked and laughed…alot.
On Friday, we traveled to Carmen, a 4 hour trip, our newest church.
On Saturday I went on visitations in the mountains with our Pastor, Ray and his wife Linda, and Ernie. I preached at our Carmen church on Sunday AM. Later we traveled to Kalinan, 1/2 hour, where I was asked to preach at the evening service.
We started our conference there the next day hosted by Pastor Felix, at a Bible Baptist church, with a mix of three of our pastors, some Baptists, Pentecostals and CMA and 10 more attendees than we planned (20) for, but our budget was still met with no overage. We (Ernie, Dorcas, Ian and me) bunked at the church in the Elementary School room on tables with swimming pool mattresses we brought with us 3 years ago.
On Tuesday, our friend and brother Pastor Bobbi Badillio attended. Yes,this is Bobbi who has had me teach at the Police Academy and do a broadcast that goes to Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines the past two years… and yes, we headed there Tuesday evening to do both, live from the Academy.
I taught at Wed. eve prayer service as well.
We left for Cagayan DeOro on Thursday, a 9 hour trip by bus, stayed  in Opol, with Ernie’s brother and sister in law, like last year, where we have our church and was there for Sunday A.M. That afternoon we travelled to the other side of the city where we stayed for our conference for three days with Pastor Jesse, who hosted us, not one of our churches but a Southern Baptist fellowship. Another 30 attendees. There were 50 requests… maybe next year.

Our study was in Hebrews. Obviously, not a verse by verse but we had three goals in mind with the chapters we did use.
1. Beginning with the  Chapter1 v.1-2 we laid the foundation for the author using the Historic-Redemptive approach of seeing the Big Picture of Redemptive History.
2. Christ is the priority of Scripture and our hermeneutic. He fulfilling His redeemer role and all that includes as Isaiah’s Servant and so on.
3. The contrast of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant by the authors use of OT passages being applied in the NT scriptures to explain the purpose and nature of the New Covenant. This took us to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, 2 Cor.3 –  directly from texts in Hebrews.
For the first time, many saw that the Doctrines of Grace are biblical, and nothing to be afraid of if properly understood and applied. They have mostly been exposed to  the cult of Hyper-Calvinism.
5. None had a problem with grasping the Incarnality of Christ as the New Covenant in His person and was a joyous revelation from the Scripture.

We are praying and making  plans for our full time conference center and Bible Institute in Pantukan, where Ernie lives on a property that belonged to Dorcas’ family.
This includes digging a deeper well and providing a pump and water lines to an outside comfort room, kitchen and into the house. At present, Ernie must travel 2.3 km one way each day for fresh drinking water. Once the well is updated, we can treat it with chlorine and have potable water on site, pumped into the house and other facilities.
We are planing to add another building to be a bunkhouse/guestroom for up to 20.
Final phase (as long as it takes) is to tear down the older building that is termite infested, and make that our lecture hall with two guest rooms upstairs.
Our current outdoor lecture hall will become an outdoor kitchen
We can function well without the 3rd phase as we grow the Institute.
Plans are moving forward for completing our building in Carmen.
These are our needed vehicles to help with for many projects as we are looking to the Lord in prayer.

Our outdoor classroom

View from the road and outdoor comfort room and shower

Ministry vehicles/ Future Bunkhouse area

Old outdoor kitchen- eventual lecture hall and two guest rooms upstairs

Cost of well project…$750.00 we were able to pay for this since I returned

Bunkhouse… approximately $2000.00

2 story lecture hall/guest rooms approximately $7500.00

Ministry vehicles.  Motorbike  $75.00/month through September 2013 (one year already paid off)
Passenger-equipment van      $313.00 per month until October 2013 ( we already made a downpayment and two payments)

Once we have all our church buildings completed in Carmen  and Opol (update on Opol at a later date) and we will also establish a church at our site in Patukan, we will partner with the government and provide public school education, as free as possible.  We will start with Kinderschool and then once that class advances, add on 1st grade and so on, building from the bottom up, as an outreach to the communities. We will follow a government curriculum for the basics, including native languages and English and we can also teach ANYTHING else we desire. We do not need any special teaching certifications. The government sees churches willing to participate as a plus ( it saves them money in many communities) and accept the fact that pastors read, study, write, etc.  Public education costs $200.00 per student. Many families cannot afford this. We hope to provide this education for as close to $0.00 as possible with the help of others. If we can help children to read and write, they can have more of a future.

Our church family in Carmen

Pantukan Conference

Kalinan Conference

Cagayan De Oro Conference
We already have a number of pastors, at least 25, asking us when we can start the Bible Institute classes. Pastor Jesse has already offered us his building as an extension campus on the other side of the island in Cagayan DeOro. We are putting together a curriculum, I have an academic advisory board on this side of the pond and we are working on a budget. There will be NO tuition. Most of the pastors we would work with are subsistence farmers. There will be no textbooks. Some of our course work will be translated into Cebuano or Visayen. I am looking into a pdf reader that is made in China that only costs about $32.00 ea. Most cell phones have mp3 players. Our lectures will be distributed on dvds and audio, at least that is the plan for now.  We will video many lectures here and upload them to Ernie. He can translate, when necessary as the videos are playing, although, most times, English will be sufficient.

There is so much more I could share, so if you like, write me or call, or Skype, or Google Hangout and I’ll share all you want. Of course you can follow our entire four year history on our blog at and our website . This includes our relationship with  Christian Aid as a recognized indigenous ministry and being chosen as a disaster relief arm when needed. The church building in Carmen as you see it, came from funds Christian Aid raised on our behalf. I will have more pictures than posted here on our blog and maybe a few more details. These are just the facts, not  the great personal moments of being with our brothers and sisters on Mindanao Island.
Just because you are a small fellowship of believers does not mean you are limited as far as God’s sovereign purposes are concerned. We are only five families at NCBF and we did not go looking for this mission.

The Lord has provided for these things with help from friends like you and from some resources we have by not being a “traditional ” church.


Philippines Update Expanded:Stats&Map

I leave for the Philippines in two weeks.

We are doing three conferences this year. One in Pantukan, one in Davao City/Calinan in the Calinan District and one in Cagayan DeOro.

I will also be teaching at three of our churches… Davao City Proper-Buhangin District- pop.232,00 , Carmen-  part of Davao City in the Baguio District-14 km from Calinan- pop 27,255  and Opol/Cagayan De Oro- pop 47,187.

We have added a small conference building to Ernie’s home in Pantukan- in the Compostela Valley east of Davao City, for permanent use as such and will be planting our fifth church there. We now have an associate to assist with the work in Davao City/Buhangin.

Our fourth church is continuing to build the necessary structure in Carmen and we have a temporary structure on the property in Opol.

Please pray with us, as we have, by faith, committed to these necessary projects to establish the ministry in those areas. We rent in Davao City/Buhangin, but the others need buildings.

Our next goal, as we are looking to finish with the funds to complete the buildings,  is to be able to send some support to each of the pastors working with us.

Ernie is working as our overseer of all the church plants and has been pastor in Davao City and we now have an associate-Pastor Albert. This will help us start the new work in Pantukan. Pastor Rey is in Carmen, Pastor Rito is in Opol, and Pastor Ambin is in Pamuhatan, which was our second church plant, in the mountain area northwest of Davao city in Bukidnon along the Federal Highway on the way to Cagayan DeOro, where we also work with tribal people. Previous posts have photos of all of these.

Click on the map to enlarge and then use the magnifier pointer to further enlarge district areas.

Photo 1  Addition in Pantukan

Photo 2  Temporary structure in Opol. We will be acquiring the final 1000 sq meters of property as soon as we can.

Photo 3&4  New building in Carmen


Philippines Update.

As we have previously reported, we are the feet on the ground for Christian Aid in Mindanao, concerning the recent floods and loss of life and property there.  Ernie has just returned from Caygan De Oro having distributed materials such as clothing food, health items and other needed essentials. Chritian Aid raised $11,677.00 for that relief and entrusted our ministry with the distribution. God is gracious and we love serving Him in multiple ways through our church planting, evangelism and pastor training work via TheoDoulos Church Planting Movement.

Pastor Ambin’s wife is returning from Dubai this week, and they will be moving into the new small parsonage we built for them in Pamuhatan on our church property there. Again, thank you to all who helped with that project. She was in Dubai for a year doing  domestic work, to earn money, so Pastor Ambin could continue to serve the church and our tribal work on a near full time basis. He has a small income driving people  for rice pickups with his motorcycle. This is how committed our partners are in Mindanao, many of whom are only substance farmers.

Temporary sheters are being built on our two newest parcels of property in Opol and Carmen. Pictures will be posted soon.

I will be teaching three conferences this year in October, between Oct 6 and October 26.

We may have to move the location of one. It is , well not in the center, but near the area of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Manila forced the Islamist group to cut its links with various terror groups to whom it had offered sanctuary.

The MILF is one of the groups which is fighting for the creation of an Islamic state on Mindanao where it controls a few provinces.

So, we are looking at our options,. Not as much of a threat for the Filipino’s  but with ther foreign guy with them, it is more of a potential target.

I’ll post my schedule soon and our budget for the conferences. Remember, we charge nothing to our attendees. We cover all costs at about $30.00/person for 4 days.

Thanks for your prayers.


Thank you for your prayers.

Philippines Update-Lots of News

Dear brethren,
This is a big update for us.
1. The parsonage in Pamuhatan will be finished this week. We were able to put together a final $350.00 to finish the project.
2. Our bible study in Carmen, with Brother Ray at the helm, had its first official Sunday service as a church, last Sunday, with 22 in attendance.
3. I have mentioned Christian Aid Mission before.This is one of the Mission Insider updates. Ernie sent the pictures after being interviewed by Steven Van Valkenberg, the SE Asia representative we have been working with. We are now listed as one of their recognized Indigenous Ministries under the name of Theos Doulos Church Planting Movement. They have listed us for prayer, with a picture of our tribal meeting in their monthly newsletter/brochure for Feb 1. At present the  electronic version Prayerline link is not working. At the website, Bob Finley’s book is a must read if you are serious about true indigenous work. He has , after 50 years, just stepped down as CEO of ChristianAid Mission. As I have mentioned in the past, Deborah  and I have supported work through Christian Aid for over 20 years.Christian Aid Mission :: Philippine Flood Survivors Say Hundreds of Children Were Snatched from their Beds – Print

4. They are raising funds for the Cagayan Flood victims, and from what Ernie told me this week, our ministry will be the conduit for distribution.
5.Another pastor who attended our conferences the past two years, want to join us to do a work among tribal peoples in the mountains. Please pray for Brother Philippe.
Remember, at present, we are not able to support any of our fellow pastors, except Ernie, our lead man, with any regular support. I will detail  all of our 5 pastors backgrounds, again, in another update.  The funds we have raised, with your generous help, have helped us with some property needs, where we cannot rent (in the mountains) and with our pastor training conferences.
6. Pastor Ernon, our Pentecostal brother who hosted our  recent conference in  October 2011, in Cagayan informed Ernie that he and his  wife just returned from a meeting with a large number of Penetecostal pastors, where he taught the materials I presented at the conference, including biblical theology , a redemptive historical perspective and what all that means regarding NCT. THey want to know more and are willing to walk away from things they have come to understand as not being biblical in their approach to Scripture. If you recall, brother Ernon’s and the church made this approach their official policy for training teachers and ministry people in their church after our conference. Lord willing, this years conference will focus on the same things, but rather than primarily topically, doing it all in the context of Hebrews. We may even be able to do some teaching at a Bible College. An instructor who is a church member discussed this with me while there in October. You may also  recall that two of the  “pastor’s” were women and questioned their role as such as they began studying in a different way during the conference.
7. This  week, Ernie will baptize 3 new believers in the ocean, in Davao city at our “mother church” plant.
Once Pastor Ambin is moved in in Pamuhaten, he will plant a new work from there, about an hour down the Federal Highway.
8. Our new bible study in Lacsun is meeting resistance form the Catholic  Defenders. We are praying it through.
9. Our tribal work in Buhangninan ( up the road form Pamuhatan) has been disrupted by some political and low level insurgencies which has caused many of our families to leave the area. We are praying for the Lords direction in rebuilding/regathering this work.

We will upload some pictures of the new building soon. Ernie will be there next week and also in Cagayan doing some post- flood counseling.

Well that is  all for now.
Thank you for your prayers and support for His glory.

Philippines Update#2-October 2011 Trip

Well friends, this is finally getting up. I had a busy schedule upon my return. Some more video will be added soon and some pictures. We have many. More will be posted at ourwebsite. I will update you.

We did two conferences, one in Davao City and one in Cagayan De Oro and I taught at two of our church plants – Davao and Cagayan (Opol). I also had the opportunity to teach the Police Academy Cadets, again this year in Davo. Pastor Bobby broadcast that meeting on his radio program.  I also did his Saturday night  program and he broadcast our final conference meeting in Davao.

Our conferences focused on Biblical Theology and New Covenant Theology as hermeneutical standards. It produced, by God’s grace, some very interesting results, which are mentioned in the video. The video is too long – 30 min.- to post here, so follow the link UPDATE.

This week we have a carpenter building a home for  Pastor Ambin at our mountain church property in Pamuhatan, so his commute to the church and the work  further in the mountains in Buhanginan among the Bogobo, is more easily travelled to each week. I will add some pictures by tomorrow.




Philippines update from Nagoya Japan

A quick update  while at Nagoya for a stopover.

Thanks for praying.

Davao – Cagayan Conferences:

October 13 Leave Buffalo

Oct 15 Arrive Davao City

Oct 16 Preach in Davao 2  morning messages

Oct 17-20  Pastor’s Conference in Davao

Oct 23,  Preach in Davao 2 messages

Oct 24 –  Bus trip (8 hours) to Cagayan,

Oct 25 -28 -Pastor’s Conference in Opol

Oct 30 – Opol church 2 morning messages

Oct 31- from Lumbia Airport, Cagayan de Oro To Manila for overnight

Nov. 1 home to Buffalo from Manila



Start on Monday Oct 17th in Davao and Start on Tuesday  Oct 25 in Opol


Day One

Session 1-    1PM (earlier if you think better)

Break  2:30-2:45

Session 2-   2:45-4:00

Dinner 5:00-6:00

Session 3- 6:30-8:00


Day Two

Breakfast 8:00

Session 1-    9-10:30

Break  10:30-10:45

Session 2-   10:45- 12:15

Lunch & Break 12:30-2:30

Session 3 2:30-4:30

Dinner 5:00-6:00

Session 4 6:30-8:00


Day Three

Breakfast 8:00

Session 1-    9-10:30

Break  10:30-10:45

Session 2-   10:45- 12:15

Lunch & Break 12:30-2:30

Session 3 2:30-4:30

Dinner 5:00-6:00

Session 4 6:30-8:00


Day 4

Breakfast 8:00

Session 1-    9-10:30

Break  10:30-10:45

Session 2-   10:45- 12:15

Lunch & Break 12:30

After lunch session (s)